Nick Sauro

- Photo of Nick Sauro by Mike Pochwat

Event, Sports and Adventure
Bio info:

Name: Nick Sauro
Nationality: Italian
Birth Data: Italy, Feb.18,1959
Emigrated to Canada in Jan.1965
General Educ.(English) 1965-76
College: FineArts/Social Sciences: 1976-79
Work: Various: Printing/Art/Film/Photo: 1980-02
Cont.Educ.Classes at Dawson: Internet/ Photoshop/Html/Digital Photo/ESA: 2000-03


ESA Photo Philosophy:

"As a priveleged student and graduate of ESA Photography, my goal is to understand the differences and similarities in all the major categories of ESA photography (events, sports, and adventure), using both traditional and digital mediums, while concentrating on the category special to me, Events!.

As an events and/or people person, I seek to capture both beauty and originality in my photos. I work best under the employ of others, and am particularly drawn to celebrity, fashion and glamour photography."

- Nick Sauro


ESA Photos by Nick Sauro described by ESA Instuctor Philip McMaster


"Event photography is one of Nick's favourites, at the on location workshop, I was encouraging students to "get up close" and Nick did just that with this shot of Quebec Premier Bernard Landry."


"Nick captured the intensity of women's hockey off the ice in this Sports shot during the ESA Sports location workshop."


"This photograph of Adventure racer Martin on Mount Royal was taken during the Adventure photography workshop."

ESA Course Outline (Call DAWSON college to register soon!)

DAWSON College Schedule